Морозова Ю. Евсеева Е. Еловикова АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК типовых
ББК 81. 432. 1я721
Серия «Всероссийские проверочные
Типовые варианты» основана в 2019
Пособие создано для подготовки семиклассников к участию
во Всероссийской проверочной работе по английскому языку. В пособии
представлены 10 типовых вариантов, даны ответы и критерии оценивания заданий. Выполнение типовых вариантов поможет семиклассникам подготовиться к ВПР.
Учителя могут использовать пособие для диагностики и
устранения пробелов в освоении программы по данному предмету на уроках, во
внеурочной деятельности.
Пособие адресовано учащимся, учителям, методистам, репетиторам и родителям
«Всероссийские проверочные работы.
Екатерина Павловна Евсеева Юлия Николаевна
Еловикова Елена Михайловна
проверочные работы.
10 типовых вариантов. 7 класс
Учебное пособие для
общеобразовательных организаций
Центр лингвистического образования. Руководитель Центра Ю. Смирнов. Зав. редакцией английского языка М. Семичев. Ответственный за
выпуск М. ЧерДакова. Редактор М. ЧерДакова. Художественный редактор М. Бахирева. Дизайн А. Бушина.
Техническое редактирование и компьютерная вёрстка О. Ивановой.
Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК
005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12. Подписано в печать
26. Формат 84 Х 1081/1в. Бумага типографская. Гарнитура
SchoolBookCSanPin. Печать офсетная. -изд. 3,47. Тираж 2500 экз. Заказ №
Акционерное общество «Издательство
Российская Федерация, 127473, г. Москва, ул. Краснопроле±арская, д. 16, стр. З, этаж 4, помещение 1.
Отпечатано в России.
Отпечатано по заказу АО «ПолиграфТрейд» в типографии филиала АО
«ТАТМЕДИА» ПИК «Идел-Пресс». 420066, г. Казань, ул. Декабристов, 2.
ISBN 978-5-09-069348-6 С) Издательство «Просвещение», 2019 С)
Художественное оформление.
У тебя в руках пособие, которое поможет тебе подготовиться к выполнению
заданий Всероссийской проверочной работы (ВПР) по английскому языку. Эта работа
предназначена для контроля и оценки уровня владения английским языком, которого
ты смог достичь по окончании 7 класса. В данном пособии собраны 10 тестов,
каждый из которых содержит задания письменной и устной части.
Письменная часть представляет собой тест, в рамках которого проверяются
умения аудирования (прослушивание диалога), чтения (чтение текста с пониманием
его основного содержания) и уровень владения лексикой и грамматикой английского
языка. В устной части работы тебе нужно будет прочитать вслух отрывок из текста
и описать человека на фотографии с опорой на план.
При выполнении заданий следуй инструкции и записывай ответ в отведённом
для этого месте. Советуем выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. Для экономии времени пропускай задание, которое не удаётся выполнить сразу,
после выполнения всей работы можно будет вернуться к пропущенным заданиям.
В конце пособия помещены ключи ко всем заданиям и даны скрипты
i Аудиокурс к учебному пособию размещён в электронном каталоге
издательства «Просвещение» на интернет-ресурсе www. prosv.
Желаем тебе успеха в подготовке к ВПР и получения высоких результатов!
Listen to an interesting
Enjoy a beautiful view
Visit a legendary tower
Don’t be afraid of height
Try delicious food
Far East is a
dream destination for many Russians, and Vladivostok is the heart of it. The
city dates back to the 19th century. The best place for views is the Eagle’s
Nest Hill. It is the highest point in the city centre. Vladivostok is situated
very close to the Russian-Chinese borders. That is why it’s almost the only
place in Russia where good Chinese food is widely served.
Altai is known as the ‘golden
mountains’. Ecotourism has become very popular here. Many agencies offer tours
of the nearby areas. Tourists can go on a hike along the ways from local
legends, they are told to visitors as they go. Sailing, kayaking and fishing
are among other activities. Altai is also famous for its honey and herbs.
Yessentuki is a
name you can see on the shelves of grocery stores around the world: this
historical resort town gave its name to a brand of salty mineral water. Since
the 19th century the town has been popular with people who care about their
In the north-west
of the Sayan Mountains, there is Stolby National Park. It is one of the most
popular tourist spots in Siberia. The most attractive things to see in the park
are its rocks and cliffs called with a Russian word ‘stolby’ because of their
shape. The smallest cliffs are 55 metres high, while the highest go up to 600
metres. Rock-climbing has become very popular here.
Karelia, a
republic in the north-west of Russia, is known as one of the country’s most
beautiful places. The nature here is fabulous and looks more Finnish than
Russian, with lakes, waterfalls and trees growing on huge rocks. The most
interesting spot here is Ruskeala Mountain Park with a marble canyon. The
canyon is now a lake with crystal clear water, and there is also another lake
which is underground. In summer there are light shows on the lake.
Getting around Moscow by bicycle
Nowadays we can see more and more people along
the streets of Moscow.
Cycling in the centre of Moscow is still a dangerous prospect because of
the hustle and bustle of a big city. The traffic too heavy and the exhaust
fumes are nasty.
The Moscow city bike network to develop rapidly a few years ago. Before
that, stationary bike rentals were only found in some large parks and fewer
people to ride bicycles on the roads.
Not so long ago the city started a campaign to make the city for
cyclists. In 2016 there were some 250 kilometres of bike lanes. And the city is
going to paint additional 500 kilometres in coming years. If you plan to
explore the streets of Moscow on two wheels on your own, you will find many
different bike routes for pleasure riding, including Gorky Park, Vorobyovy Gory
Nature Preserve, Sokolniki and VDNKh.
1. cyclesOTBerr:
2. cycled
3. cycling
4. cycle
1. areOTBerr:
2. IS
3. was
4. were
1. beginedOTBerr:
2. has begun
3. begin
4. began
1. were
2. uses
3. used
4. use
more safe 2. more safer 3. safest 4. safer
noa KOTOPblMV1 3HaqaTCR Bb16PaHHble JIVILUHne.
Christmas in Australia
In Australia, Christmas comes at the
1. takes
of summer holidays! Children have their summer
2. beginning
holidays from mid-December to early February, so
3. gives
some people might even be camping at Christmas. competitions
Australians wreaths
on their front
5. snow
doors and sometimes go out carolling on Christmas
6. hang
Eve. People
also decorate their houses and gardens with Christmas trees and Christmas
lights. Neighbours sometimes have little to see who has got the best light
display. end
As it is the middle of summer in Australia at Christmas time, the words
in the carols about and cold winter are sometimes changed to special Australian
words! When he gets to Australia, Santa his reindeer a rest and uses kangaroos. He also
his clothes to less warm ones!
cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate,
high price, and limited distance on a single charge.
However, this summer a Russian company has presented its prototype for a
new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that
Russia needs electric cars. They say that it’s hard to breathe in Moscow, and
an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it’s a way to
solve environmental problems.
Bb16ePl/1Te cþ0TorpacþL/110
VI HenOBeKa Ha I-åeýl. Y Bac eCTb nOflTOMV4HYTbl Ha noar0TOBKY VI
He 60nee ML,IHYT OTBeTa. Y Bac rlOflYHVITbCR CBfi3Hbll,71 paccKa3
(7—8 rlPeAJIOXeHVlÿl).
1 Photo 2
TIJ1aH 0TBerra 110Moyerr
• Who is in the photo?
• What does he/she look like?
• What is happening?
• Do you like the photo or not?
Begin your answer with: chosen photo
ENè In the photo there is
COOTBeTCTBV’le Tervl 1—6 TeKCTaM A—E. 3al-leCVITe CBOVI OTBeTbl B 6JIV114Y. L,’lcr10J1b3yÿ1Te uvacþpy TOJ1bKO OAVIH pa3. B 3aaaHL•1V1 OAHa Ma
Discover earlier cultures
Feed wild animals
Our agency offers
different activities for everyone, people who love danger or who just like
sports. We have a huge variety of water, snow or • desert holidays. Enjoy scuba
diving in the Red Sea or kayaking and whitewater rafting in Canada. Prefer
snow? You can try skiing or snowboarding in the Alps or even igloo-building. For those who like warmer weather, we also have sandboarding (the desert
version of skateboarding) or camel safaris.
Take a cruise to Antarctica or
the northern Arctic; explore a land of white beauty and wonderful wildlife. Our
specialists will explain everything about the two poles as you watch the
penguins in Antarctica or whales and polar bears in the Arctic. There’s no
greater adventure than travelling to the ends of the earth. A once-in-a-lifetime
Our cultural
journeys will give you an opportunity to touch ancient civilisations: India,
Thailand, Egypt and many more. Visit temples, palaces and ancient ruins just
remember to bring your camera! Learn about local ways of life by exploring
markets, trying exotic foods and meeting local people. See it with your own
We have trekking
holidays to famous places such as Machu Picchu or the Everest Base Camp Trek,
as well as some the Highlands of Scotland. You don’t need to be very sporty,
just fairly fit. You’ll have a great time enjoying nature with a group of new
friends. Some of the holidays include camping, but we’ll transport the tents
for you!
We organise small
group tours to get closer to nature in Africa, Asia or South America. Go on
safari in Africa and watch lions and giraffes. Meet the famous turtles of the
Galapagos Islands.
Look for tigers in India, or take an elephant safari
in Sri Lanka. We use local guides and stay in different accommodation, from
tents to tree houses.
The best way to travel
In the regions of Russia you’ll see every type of
modern transport. But during the winter months the Sakha Republic (or Yakutia)
becomes one of the coldest parts of the world. Temperatures fall as low 8 —50 oc. Car engines can freeze and even if your car 9 the snow and ice on the road can
make it impossible to travel. When the weather is like this, the best way to
travel js with a team of dogs pulling you. Popularity of dog sledding with the
arrival of Russian traders to the Arctic. Yakutian Laikas might not be as fast
as a modern snowmobile but they are better for the environment. The journey is
also much quieter than by a snowmobile.
Everyone that kids love sledding. They also love
dogs. If you combine the two with a dose of clear blue sky, you will have the
perfect family winter adventure.
7 1. most
northernest 3. northernest
northerner 4. most northern
8 1. soOTBerr:
2. as
3. to
4. than
9 1. starts
2. start
3. started
4. is starting
has appeared 3. appeared 2. had appeared 4. was appeared
know 2. knows 3. is knowing 4. are knowing
flPOHVITaVlTe TeKCT 1/1 3an0JIHv•1Te
nponycKL,1 12—16 rlOAXOAfiU41/lMVl CJIOBaMVl 1/13 criVICKa 1—7. B OTBeTe
YlGXVlTe LIVIÇPbl, noa KOTOPblMV1 3HaqaTCfi Bb16PaHHble BaMV1 cnoaa. ABa
cnoBa B ‘TOM cnv•tcKe nnu. JHL,1e.
There are seventeen different kinds of penguins that live in the and
oceans south of equator. Most people think that penguins live in very
climates like the icy continent of Antarctica, but they also live in warmer
areas like the Galapagos Islands, Australia, and South Africa. They are birds
that cannot fly, but love to ! The Galapagos penguin lives in the waters of
the Galapagos Islands near South America. It is very small. It is about 45
centimetres tall, and about 2. 5 kilograms. Its body is black and white. On
its black head there is a thin white line,
1. hot2. weighs3. cold4. seas5. fish6. meat7. swim
which runs from its throat up to its eyes. The pinguin’s legs are very
Galapagos penguins eat small They live up to twenty years.
Greenpeace is an international organisation, it has been working for the
protection of the environment since 1971. Now it has
and national offices in 46 countries. One of the longest banners they’ve ever
made is the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead,
we will discover that we can’t eat money’. A Greenpeace office in Russia was
established in 1989 later they were given the name of Greenpeace Russia. In
2001 a branch was opened in Saint Petersburg. Together we can save our planet
for future generations!
Bb16epv1Te cþ0TorpacþL/10
0111/111JVITe HeflOBeKa Ha Heÿl. Y Bac eCTb nonTOPbl MVlHYTbl Ha
pacclG3 (7—8 npeanoxep-ll/lÿl).
1 Photo 2
IIJ1aH 0TBerra
110MŒKerr BaM:
Begin your answer with: “I’ve
chosen photo In the photo there is
COOTBeTCTBVle TeM 1—6 TeKCTaM A—E. 3aHeCl/lTe CBOVI OTBeTbl B Ta6J11,114Y. VIC110fib3YlhTe IGXAYIO UVlCþPY TOJ1bKO OAUH pa3. B 3anaHL’1L•1 OAHa TeMa
New objects discovered
The Milky Way is not the only one
An inspiring fruit
The honourable prize
astronomer Edwin Hubble is famous for discovering the existence of other
galaxies, as well as his important work on astrophysics and his invention of
the most powerful Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble had a great influence on
astronomy, and science in general, by showing that other galaxies besides our
own Milky Way existed. People used to think that there was only the Milky Way
galaxy, Hubble’s discoveries which were announced in 1925 changed our view of
the universe. An asteroid and a moon crater were also named after him.
Stephen Hawking
was one of the most famous scientists of modern times. He gave the world of
science a lot of new ideas and theories. He helped to make science popular with
general public by writing easy-to-read books such as A Brief History of Time. Hawking worked a lot on the subject of black holes, providing theories for
their behaviour, including the idea that they emit radiation.
Galileo Galilei
was an Italian scientist who helped open the eyes of the world to a new way of thinking
about our solar system and astronomy in general. Among his inventions were
telescopes, a compass and a thermometer. With his telescopes
Galileo could observe the sky in absolutely new ways. He discovered
Jupiter’s four largest satellite moons. The discovery of these moons was
against scientific ideas of that time and it was difficult for Galileo to
explain to some people that he had indeed discovered such objects.
Albert Einstein
is perhaps the most famous scientist of all time. Both his image and brilliant
work on theoretical physics live on today and he is an inspiration to young
scientists around the world. Even when he was very young, Einstein showed great
ability in both math and science. He was naturally curious and had a brilliant
analytical mind. He is also well known for his theory of relativity. Einstein
won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on theoretical physics.
np0H1,1TaVlTe rlPVIBeAëHHblVl
Tigers are the members of the cat family. They are the national animals
of many countries but some kinds of tigers are endangered because of human
activity. Tigers reach a length of up to 3. 3 metres and as much as 300
kilograms. Tiger cubs leave mother when they are around 2 years of age. Everybody knows that tigers are good swimming and can swim up to 6 kilometres. Tigers usually hunt alone at night time. Tigers are also known to reach speeds
up to 65 kph.
largest 2. larger 3. most large 4. large
OTBer. must
2. could
3. can
4. should
weighes 2. weigh 3. are weighing 4. weighed
they 2. their 3. them 4. theirs
at 2. in 3. of 4
How much do you know about weather and climate?
1. Earth
If we put it very simply, weather is the state of the
2. looked
at any given period of time. The
3. ground
atmosphere is made up of different gasses, like
4. atmosphere
oxygen, that surround the What
5. tell
happening in the atmosphere is the weather. Have
6. watched
you ever the
weather forecast
7. warmer
on the news or , online? What kind of things do they tell us? Most
weather forecasts will us what the temperature will be, if it’s going to rain
or snow, and if it will be cloudy or sunny. The fact that the Earth is round
influences the weather. The Sun heats up the atmosphere and the Earth, but as
the Earth is round, areas around the equator get more direct sunlight and are
Areas around the poles get indirect sunlight, so, they are colder.
Modern cell phones can do much more things than just sending and
receiving phone calls. With mobile phones we can send and receive text
messages, emails, photos and videos as well as surf the Net, play games, listen
to music and more. There are also some negative side effects of using mobile
phone. For example, it is very dangerous to use a cell phone while driving, or
students can cheat on tests by using their cell phones to get information. Pupils shouldn’t use cell phones in classrooms or other school locations due to
the distractions they can make.
MVIHYTbl Ha aonxeH rlOflYHL’lTbCfi
cþ0Torpa01/l}0 VI 0711/11. 1JVITe
HenoBeKa Ha HeV1. Y Bac eCTb nonrOTOBKY 1/1 He 60nee MVIHYT OTBeTa. CBfi3HblVl
pacŒG3 (7—8 npeanoxeHVlh).
TIJ1aH 0TBerra r10Moyerr
Begin your answer with: “I’ve chosen photo In the photo there is