Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Официальная демоверсия ОГЭ 2022 по английскому языку для 9 класса с ответами от ФИПИ.

Изменения структуры и содержания в КИМ 2022 года по сравнению с 2021 годом отсутствуют.

Характеристика структуры и содержания КИМ ОГЭ по английскому языку

Экзаменационная работа состоит из двух частей:

• письменной (разделы 1–4, включающие задания по аудированию, чтению, письменной речи, а также задания на контроль лексико-грамматических навыков обучающихся);

• устной (раздел 5, содержащий задания по говорению).

В работу по иностранному языку включены различные задания: 34 задания с кратким ответом (раздел 1 «Задания по аудированию», раздел 2 «Задания по чтению», раздел 3 «Задания по грамматике и лексике») и 4 задания с развёрнутым ответом (раздел 4 «Задание по письменной речи» и раздел 5 «Задания по говорению»). В экзаменационной работе предложены следующие разновидности заданий с кратким ответом:

– задания на выбор и запись правильного ответа из предложенного перечня ответов;

– задания на установление соответствия позиций, представленных в двух множествах;

– задание на заполнение таблицы в соответствии с прослушанным текстом;

– задания на заполнение пропуска в связном тексте путем преобразования предложенной начальной формы слова в нужную грамматическую форму;

– задания на заполнение пропуска в связном тексте путём образования родственного слова от предложенного опорного слова.

На задания с кратким ответом ответ даётся соответствующей записью в виде цифры или последовательности цифр, записанных без пробелов и других разделителей, или слова/словосочетания, записанного/записанных также без пробелов и других разделителей.

Задания с развёрнутым ответом включают в себя написание личного (электронного) письма в ответ на письмо-стимул, чтение вслух небольшого текста научно-популярного характера, участие в условном диалоге-расспросе и создание тематического монологического высказывания с вербальной опорой в тексте задания.

Подборка тренировочных вариантов ОГЭ по английскому языку для 9 класса.

Тренировочные варианты ОГЭ по английскому языку

– письменной (разделы 1–4, включающие задания по аудированию, чтению, письменной речи, а также задания на контроль лексико-грамматических навыков обучающихся);

– устной (раздел 5, содержащий задания по говорению).

В работу по английскому языку включены различные задания: 34 задания с кратким ответом (раздел 1 «Задания по аудированию», раздел 2 «Задания по чтению», раздел 3 «Задания по грамматике и лексике») и 4 задания с развёрнутым ответом (раздел 4 «Задание по письменной речи» и раздел 5 «Задания по говорению»).

Личное письмо в формате ОГЭ по английскому языку

Мастер-класс по написанию личного письма в формате ОГЭ по английскому языку

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса в формате ОГЭ

Примерные вопросы к заданию 2 ОГЭ по английскому языку

Тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ по английскому языку

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

В демонстрационном варианте ОГЭ 2015 года по английскому языку изменилась структура варианта:

В демонстрационном варианте ОГЭ 2016 года по английскому языку по сравнению с демонстрационным вариантом 2015 года в письменной части изменений не было, устная часть была приведена в соответствие с проведением устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку в 11 классе.

В демонстрационных вариантах ОГЭ 2017 – 2019 годов по английскому языку по сравнению с демонстрационным вариантом 2016 года изменений не было.

В демонстрационный вариант ОГЭ 2020 года по английскому языку по сравнению с демонстрационным вариантом 2019 года были внесены следующие изменения:

В демонстрационный вариант ОГЭ 2021 года по английскому языку по сравнению с демонстрационным вариантом 2020 года были внесены следующие изменения:

В демонстрационных вариантах ОГЭ 2022 и 2023 годов по английскому языку по сравнению с демонстрационным вариантом 2021 года изменений не было.

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

9 апреля, 2022

Тренировочная работа №2 статград ОГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 9 класс задания и ответы для вариантов АЯ2190201, АЯ2190202. Официальная дата проведения работы: 6 апреля 2022 год.

Все ответы (решения) и задания (с аудио)

Задания письменной части

1)On the 25th of December the Montgomery Department store will

2)Kathy left this voice message

4)Mother found Peter in

13)Honey bees cannot live in Africa because of high temperatures.

14)The main job of the queen bee is to have children.

15)People shouldn’t be afraid of queen bees – its sting doesn’t hurt.

16)The number of worker bees is always high in the colony because they live a long life.

17)Worker bees never leave their homes.

18)Honey bees have a way of talking to each other.

19)There are more bee colonies now than there were 15 years ago.

20)When Robert was ten, he had to move together with his family to Canada from his native Australia. It _______________ easy to get used to a new country, a new school, and a new climate. But he soon felt at home.

21)The _________________ time he came to school, his new classmates surrounded him and started asking lots of questions.

22)Facts about Australian animals interested them ___________ than anything else. They were surprised that a friendly koala lived in Robert’s yard. “What did you feed him?” they asked.

23)“We didn’t have to feed him anything!” Robert explained. “Koalas eat ____________ of eucalyptus trees. And there were so many of those trees growing in our yard!”

24)“Koalas are not pets, they are wild animals,” Robert continued. “But they are not afraid of people. Once, I __________ on a bench in our yard, when that koala came so close, I could touch him and even play a little with him!”

25)Robert’s new friends couldn’t stop asking him about Australian wildlife, and Robert was happy that he could answer all of _____________ questions.

26)Suddenly, Jenny asked Robert a question he didn’t expect. “Won’t you miss all these animals in Australia?” she wondered. Robert smiled. “I probably will. But what I really want to see is snow! I ____________ so many animals that are exotic to you, yet the biggest surprise for me will be snow this winter!”

27)Oh, ___________!” said Jenny.

28)“Very soon everything in our town will ___________ in snow!” Everyone laughed happily.

29)Harry lived with his family in Cornwall. In 1997, he turned 9 and for his birthday was given a book which ____________ changed his entire life. His father thought it was great that his son’s full name was on the front cover in the title. And so did Harry.

30)At first, it was cool. But the older he became, the more difficult it was to tell ____________ that his name was Harry Potter.

31)People thought he was joking and sometimes didn’t find this joke very __________ and got annoyed at him when he would insist that he was telling the truth. It was hard to be a real Harry Potter!

32)Harry would often think about ______________ names that other people might be suffering from. Would it be easier to say “My name is Bond. James Bond.”? At least, it was a name of a grown-up character, thought Harry when turning 30.

33)But more than anyone else he felt sorry for the _____________ Germans and Austrians born in the early 1930s and who were called Adolf Hitler. To have a name like that would be a true nightmare after the war.

34)So, Harry decided he should be _______________ for his name. At least it always made people smile!

Другие тренировочные варианты статград ОГЭ по английскому языку 9 класс

Английский язык 9 класс варианты АЯ2090201 АЯ2090202 статград ответы и задания ЕГЭ 2021

СТАТГРАД работы по английскому языку задания и ответы

Метки: английский язык 9 классзаданияогэ 2022ответыстатградтренировочная работа

Навигация по записям

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

16 декабря, 2022

Тренировочная работа №1 статград ОГЭ 2023 по английскому языку 9 класс 2 тренировочных варианта письменной и устной части АЯ2290101 и АЯ2290102 с ответами и аудиозаписью. Официальная дата проведения работы: 18 ноября 2022 год.

Статград английский язык 9 класс ОГЭ 2023 варианты и ответы

1.You can buy Brandon Sanderson’s newest book 1) any time on the bookstore’s special website. 2) only until 5 pm next Friday in the bookstore. 3) next Friday during the event in the bookstore.

2. Over the weekend Clair would like to 1) read books. 2) watch films. 3) play tennis.

3. From the dialogue between Michael and his mother we learn who is lazy. It is 1) Michael himself. 2) Michael’s mother. 3) factory workers.

4. Melissa’s father is speaking to Melissa because 1) he wants to give her some ideas. 2) she has done something wrong. 3) their refrigerator doesn’t work.

13. Marian’s parents were musicians. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

14. Marian didn’t go to school because her family was too poor. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

15. Marian couldn’t study in the music school in the USA because she was black. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

16. Marian lived in Europe for two years. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

17. While in Europe, Marian sang for kings and queens. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

18. Before Marian, black singers were not allowed to sing at the White House. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

19. Marian gave lectures at different American universities. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

20. Jenny was not an ordinary dog. Philip ___ her in a dog shelter when she was already about 5 years old. The big fluffy Labrador was very clever, kind and gentle.

21. Unlike the neighbour’s dog who ate everything that moved in the yard – from frogs to beetles to spiders, Jenny ___the little creatures that she found. She spent the whole spring and summer running around the yard making friends with squirrels and birds.

22. But now it was already the ___ day of the rainy autumn season, and Jenny was sad.

23. She spent hours looking out of the windows, and her dark brown eyes were the ___ thing Philip had ever seen. He knew the rain would last long.

24. “I wish you ___  happy again”, he said, looking at Jenny. Suddenly, an idea came to him.

25. “I ___ you a doghouse!” he exclaimed. “Then you will be outside again!” However, nothing he saw on the Internet seemed good enough.

26. This was when Philip’s dad came back from work. His idea was even better: “We will make it ___  ! The best doghouse ever!”

27. All weekend Philip and his dad ___  the doghouse.

28. Finally, on Sunday evening, it ___! Early Monday morning before going to school Philip let Jenny out into the yard. And from that time onwards, she was the happiest dog ever!

29. Salt is a mineral that can be found in the Earth. Salt that is dug out of salt mines is actually a rock called halite. So every time you salt your food to make it ___, you are sprinkling tiny rocks on your food!

Работы статград по английскому языку ЕГЭ и ОГЭ

Метки: английский язык 9 классзаданияогэ 2023ответыстатградтренировочная работа

Подготовка к ЕГЭ/ОГЭ от Университета «Синергия»

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Собрал необходимые материалы по всем предметам и уже разделили их по блокам, вопросам, вариантам и типам заданий на экзамене. В разделах есть официальная информация к изучению — кодификатор, спецификация ФИПИ, демоверсии, КИМ (пробные варианты) и многое другое.

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Для удобства информация распределена по номерам заданий демоверсий 2023 года. Материал изложен полно, но кратко. Простым языком. Есть наглядные примеры для понимания, схемы, таблицы для запоминания.

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Это удобное пособие для быстрой подготовки к экзаменам: просто выбирайте задание, которое вызвало больше всего затруднений или вопросов, и тренируйтесь. В каждом листе есть список заданий, которые вы можете пройти самостоятельно, также правильные ответы с пояснениями (обоснованиями).

Подготовка к ЕГЭ/ОГЭ по английскому языку

Эксперт ЕГЭ по английскому языку

В работе я пытаюсь найти баланс между «серьезно» и «креативно». Стремлюсь доказать каждому, что английский не такой уж иностранный, ведь он давно уже плотно вошел в наш обиход. Убеждена, что знать два языка сейчас уже недостаточно.

В «Синергии» отвечает за:

Опубликованы образцы бланков ОГЭ 2022 года.

С целью организации проведения основного государственного экзамена в 2022 году в образовательные заведения направлены формы бланков ответов для проведения ОГЭ по учебным предметам по выбору:

Рекомендовано организовать информационно-разъяснительную работу и тренировочные мероприятия 9-х классов по заполнению бланков ответов ОГЭ в соответствии с образцом написания букв и цифр.

Бланки являются машиночитаемыми формами, имеют размер 210мм×297мм (формат А4).

При заполнении бланков ОГЭ необходимо соблюдать следующие правила, так как информация, внесенная в бланки, сканируется и обрабатывается с использованием специальных аппаратно-программных средств.

Все бланки ОГЭ заполняются гелевой или капиллярной ручкой с чернилами черного цвета. Участник экзамена должен изображать каждую цифру и букву во всех заполняемых полях бланков, тщательно копируя образец ее написания из строки с образцами написания символов, расположенной в верхней части бланка ответов №1. Небрежное написание символов может привести к тому, что при автоматизированной обработке символ может быть распознан неправильно.

Каждое поле в бланках заполняется, начиная с первой позиции (в том числе и поля для занесения фамилии, имени и отчества (при наличии) участника экзамена, реквизитов документа, удостоверяющего личность). Если участник экзамена не имеет информации для заполнения какого-то конкретного поля, он должен оставить его пустым (не делать прочерков).

При записи ответов необходимо строго следовать инструкциям по выполнению работы (к группе заданий, отдельным заданиям), указанным в КИМ. На бланках ответов № 2 (лист 1 и лист 2), а также на дополнительном бланке ответов № 2 не должно быть пометок, содержащих информацию о личности участника экзамена.

использовать для заполнения бланков иные письменные принадлежности, в т. ч. ручки с цветными чернилами вместо ручки с чернилами черного цвета, карандаш, средства для исправления внесенной в бланки информации (корректирующая жидкость, ластик и др.).

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Бланки ОГЭ 2023 для 9 класса от официального сайта ФИПИ для регистрации, бланк ответов №1, бланк ответов №2, дополнительный бланк ответов №2, бланк для регистрации устного экзамена по русскому языку, математике, обществознанию и другим предметам.

Бланки ОГЭ 2023 9 класс ФИПИ

Правила заполнения бланка ОГЭ 2023 года

Правила заполнения бланков ответов ОГЭ 2023 год

1.1. Участники основного государственного экзамена (далее — ОГЭ) выполняют экзаменационные работы на бланках ответов, включающих в себя:

1.2. Бланки являются машиночитаемыми формами (формат А4).

1.3. При заполнении бланков ОГЭ необходимо соблюдать настоящие Правила, так как информация, внесенная в бланки, сканируется и обрабатывается с использованием специальных аппаратно-программных средств.

1.4. Все бланки ОГЭ заполняются гелевой или капиллярной ручкой с чернилами черного цвета. ВАЖНО! Изображать каждую цифру и букву во всех заполняемых полях бланков, тщательно копируя образец ее написания из строки с образцами написания символов, расположенной в верхней части бланка ответов №1. Обратите внимание! Небрежное написание символов может привести к тому, что при автоматизированной обработке символ может быть распознан неправильно.

1.5. Каждое поле в бланках заполняется, начиная с первой позиции (в том числе и поля для занесения фамилии, имени и отчества (при наличии) участника экзамена, реквизитов документа, удостоверяющего личность). Если участник экзамена не имеет информации для заполнения какого-то конкретного поля, он должен оставить его пустым (не заполнять поле символом Х, не делать прочерков).

1.6. При записи ответов необходимо строго следовать инструкциям по выполнению работы (к группе заданий, отдельным заданиям), указанным в КИМ.

1.7. Категорически запрещается:

Тренировочные варианты ОГЭ 2023 по математике 9 класс

Тренировочные варианты ОГЭ по математике 9 класс задания с ответами


Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Чистые бланки ответов ОГЭ 2022 для 9 класса от сайта ФИПИ по математике, русскому языку, обществознанию и другим предметам, а также правила заполнения, как правильно их нужно заполнять.

Бланки ответов ОГЭ 2022 для 9 класса

При заполнении бланков основного государственного экзамена (ОГЭ 2022 года) необходимо точно соблюдать настоящие правила. Все бланки ОГЭ заполняются гелевой или капиллярной ручкой с чернилами черного цвета.

ВАЖНО! Участники должны изображать каждую цифру и букву во всех заполняемых полях бланка ответов № 1, тщательно копируя образец её написания из строки с образцами написания символов, расположенными в верхней части бланка ответов № 1.

Обратите внимание, что небрежное написание символов может привести к тому, что при автоматизированной обработке символ может быть распознан неправильно. Каждое поле в бланках заполняется, начиная с первой позиции (в том числе и поля для занесения фамилии, имени и отчества (при наличии) участника, реквизитов документа, удостоверяющего личность).

При записи ответов необходимо строго следовать инструкциям по выполнению работы (к группе заданий, отдельным заданиям), указанным в контрольных измерительных материалах (КИМ) ОГЭ.

Сборник монологических высказываний для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку.

Часть 1. (темы Задания 3 взяты из открытого банка заданий ФИПИ)

Составитель: учитель английского языка Мустяца Е.Н.

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Купить Английский язык. 5 класс. Тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ (ГИА). Учебное пособие

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Купить Английский язык. 6 класс. Тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ (ГИА)

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Купить Английский язык. 8 класс. Английский в фокусе. Тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ (ГИА). ФГОС

Предлагаемые сборники являются дополнительным компонентом УМК серии “Английский в фокусе” для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций авторов Ю. Е. Ваулиной, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко и др.

В сборниках предлагается система заданий на развитие умений чтения, письма, лексико-грамматических навыков как основы речевых умений. Сборники не только решает задачу тренировки установленных форматов экзаменационных заданий, но и служит развитию универсальных учебных действий согласно требованию ФГОС основного общего образования.

Материалы пособия можно использовать на уроках английского языка и дома самостоятельно.

ОГЭ по английскому языку- демоверсия 2022 года

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Примерные образцы монологических высказываний задания 3 ОГЭ по английскому


You are going give a talk about the place where live. You will have start 1.5 minutes and will speak for not

more than 2 minutes.

Remember say:

• what city, town village famous for;

• what favourite place your city, town village is, and why you like

• whether you are going stay your city, town village after leaving school another place, and

• what attitude your city, town village is.

You have talk continuously.

I’m going give a talk about the place where I live. It is really important for me.

I live Naro-Fominsk. a rather big town Moscow region. famous for glorious history.

There a local history museum here where everyone learn about important events our town,

especially during the great Patriotic war.

My favourite place the town a cozy cafe the town center. I love because the place

where I and friends spend a lot of time. Also the cafe offers the best deserts the city and I like

their chocolate cake the most.

( or: As for me, the lovely town park is my favourite place. I like it so much because it is a quiet

place. You can have a rest after a long day at school in it.)

Speaking about the time when I leave school, I think that I am likely to go to Moscow to continue

studying. There are many universities and also good opportunities for career growth in the capital.

In neral, attitude hometown positive. I love some people who live here, but also I

want live somewhere else.

That’s all that I wanted tell you about the place where I live.

(or: All in all, I firmly believe that Naro-Fominsk makes my life more interesting and every time I

have a chance I will return here to see my relatives and my friends.

In conclusion, I would like to say that every person should love their native place and try to make i

more beautiful. Thank you for listening.)

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for

not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

· what people use the Internet for

· what educational opportunities the Internet offers to students

You have to talk continuously.

I’d like to give a talk about the Internet. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without the

To begin with, the Internet is the newest kind of mass media. It has become the most popular source

of information and entertainment. If you have the Internet access you may find useful information,

watch films or just communicate with people all over the world.

Long distance communication has become easier nowadays thanks to the e mail.

Surely, there are also disadvantages of the Internet. Sometimes the information from it is not very

reliable. It may be harmful for you.

All in all, I firmly believe that the Internet makes our life more interesting and exciting. Every time

I have a chance I try to browse the Internet and to search for something interesting. That’s all I

wanted to say about the internet. Thank you for listening.

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

To begin with, it serves to inform people of different events, to educate, entertain, and give us any

kind of information. Complete and accurate information is very important to get nowadays. So the

Internet has become so popular, widespread and the majority of people daily use it.

From my point of view, the Internet can help students in their studies. They can find the book they

need without leaving home. So, they don’t need to waste their time going to the library.

But there are some dangers as well. For example, some people get addicted to the Internet and

spend all time there.

All in all, I firmly believe that the Internet makes our life easier and every time I have a chance I

use the Internet to do my homework or just to have a rest. That’s all I wanted to say about the

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about learning English. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak

for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

· whether it is necessary to speak English nowadays, and why

· what you do to improve your English

what other languages you would like to learn

• why lots of people learn foreign languages nowadays;

• why you have chosen to do the English exam this year;

• what you did to prepare for your English exam;

• what your attitude to learning foreign languages is.

I’d like to give a talk about foreign languages. I think it is impossible to imagine our life without

knowing at least one foreign language.

People learn foreign languages for many reasons. The most important one is communication.

Nowadays more and more people travel abroad. The knowledge of a foreign language helps them

As for me, I have chosen to do the English exam this year because it will be useful for my future

Personally, I go for extra English lessons to prepare for my English exam. I sometimes read books

or just listen to the songs in English.

All in all, I firmly believe that foreign languages make our life more interesting. That’s all I wanted

to say. Thank you for listening.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about pets. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than

2 minutes (1012 sentences). Remember to say:

• why people keep pets;

• what pets are most popular in big cities;

• whether having pets is a big responsibility, and why;

• what your attitude to keeping pets is.

I’d like to give a talk about pets. I think pets make our life more interesting.

To begin with, almost every family has a pet nowadays. Speaking about the reasons, I believe that

most people keep animals because they make their lives happier. Also, parents usually buy a pet for

their children because they want them to become more responsible.

In my opinion, cats, dogs and parrots are the most popular pets in big cities. They are widespread

because all of them can easily live within the apartment.

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

But it is important for all owners to keep in mind that having an animal is a big responsibility

because life of the creature depends on them. They should always remember to feed, walk if

necessary and play with a pet.

All in all, I firmly believe that pets make our life more interesting and whenever I have a chance I

spend time with my dog. That’s all I wanted to say about pets. Thank you for listening.

I’m going to give a talk about pets. Lots of people keep pets at home because they want to have

friends. It’s especially good for children and lonely people. Some pets, for example cats, fish

birds help us relax. Dogs can be useful for guarding or hunting.

The most popular pets in cities are cats, dogs and fish. Moreover, some people keep exotic kinds of

birds, rabbits, mice as pets.

Having a pet is a big responsibility because we must care about it. When we take a pet we should

learn about its illnesses, feed and wash it, take it for a walk and play with it.

In my opinion, keeping pets is not easy, but they bring us joy. They’re our true friends and they

make us better. That’s all I wanted to tell you about pets. Thanks for listening.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about holidays You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more

· what holidays are most popular in your country

· what your favourite holiday is and how you celebrate it

· if you prefer to give presents or to get presents, and why

I’d like to give a talk about holidays. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without holidays.

To begin with, Russia is famous for its glorious holidays all over the world. We celebrate such

public holidays as New Year, Victory Day, Easter and many others.

My favourite public holiday is New Year. I like it because all family celebrates that holiday

together at home. New Year is celebrated at night on the 31st of December. After the speech of the

President of the Russian Federation most families spend a night walking in the streets or sitting at

As for me, I prefer to give presents. Doing it you remember about all the members of your family

and try to make them happier

All in all, I firmly believe that holidays make our life more interesting and every time I have a

chance I try to spend time with my relatives and my friends on holidays and of course to give them

That’s all I wanted to say about holidays. Thank you for listening.


I’d like to give a talk about public holidays in Russia. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life

To begin with, state or public holidays in Russia include Constitution Day, New Year’s Day, the

International Women’s Day, May Day, Victory Day and Independence Day.

As for me, I like New Year most of all because all the family celebrates that holiday together at

home. It’s a great opportunity to get closer to each other.

From my point of view, people usually give presents and wish Happy New Year to each other.

Some of them like celebrating this holiday at their friends’ houses or attend fireworks displays in

the city. Celebrations for children include a decorated fir tree and Grandfather Frost. He often

comes with his granddaughter Snegurochka.

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

All in all, I firmly believe public holidays make our life more interesting. That’s all I wanted to say.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not

more than 2 minutes (1012 sentences). Remember to say:

• why most people like travelling;

• which season is the best for travelling in your opinion;

• what means of transport is the best for travelling, and why;

• what your attitude to travelling is.

I’d like to give a talk about travelling. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without travelling

To begin with, most people enjoy travelling because it gives them an opportunity to meet new

people and find out interesting historical facts.

From my point of view, the choice of the best season for travelling depends on your likes. For

example, if you like going to the seaside you should do it in summer and if you want to go skiing

it’s better to do it in winter.

As for me, the ship is the best means of transport because it’s very comfortable. Modern

got everything on board to make people feel at home.

All in all, I firmly believe that travelling makes our life more interesting. Every time I have a

chance I use the opportunity to travel somewhere. That’s all I wanted to say about travelling.

To begin with, most people enjoy travelling, because it’s a great opportunity to see the world.

From my point of view, people like doing sightseeing and taking photos while travelling. Some of

them also like meeting new people and communicating with them.

As for me I would like to go to London to see its sights. I have always dreamed of visiting this city.

All in all, I firmly believe that travelling makes our life more interesting. Every time a have a

chance I try to travel to different places. It helps me get to know many new interesting things.

That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

Task 3. u are going to give a talk about your career plans. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for

· what job you want to do in the future

· what two subjects you think are the most important for your future job, and why

· whether your family approve of your career choice or not


I’d like to give a talk about my career plans. I think it is a very important issue for every stu

In fact, my family (doesn’t) approve my career choice (because they thought that I should become

All in all, I firmly believe that career plans make our life more purposeful. Every time I have a

chance I think about it and try to find out something about my future profession. That’s all I wanted

to say about my career. Thank you for listening.

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about books. You will have to start in

1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

• whether reading is still popular with teenagers, and why, or why not

• what kind of books you like reading

• why many people prefer e-books to paper books

I’d like to give a talk about books. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without books

nowadays. But unfortunately books have become less popular nowadays.

To begin with, most modern teenagers don’t read at all. It seems to me, that the main reason for it is

a wide choice of social networks and computer games.

As for me, I like reading science fiction books most of all because they have an unpredictable plot

and contain thousands of facts about nature.

From my point of view, many people prefer e books to paper ones because an electronic book is

much more convenient than a traditional paper book. It’s easy to use because it is a small device but

it contains lots of texts.

All in all, I firmly believe that books make our life more interesting. Every time a have a chance I

take a book and try to discover another wonderful world. That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about TV. You will have to start in

· whether watching TV is still a popular pastime with teenagers, and why, or why not

· how many hours a week you watch TV

· what you dislike most about TV

I’d like to give a talk about television. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without books

To begin with, television plays a big role in our society. A lot of people, and teenagers is not an

exception, prefer watching television to reading. It is more comfortable just to watch instead of

sitting with the book

As for me, I usually watch TV about seven hours a week. Unfortunately, I don’t have a chance to

spend in front of the TV set more than one hour a day. I have to do my homework and go to extra

From my point of view, one of the disadvantages of the television is too much information which is

not always very reliable.

All in all, I firmly believe that television makes our life more interesting. Every time a have a

chance I try to watch some useful TV programmes. That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your free time. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not

• whether you have a lot of free time, and why, or why not

• what you enjoy doing in your free time

• what your Sunday afternoons are like


I’d like to give a talk about my free time. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without having

some time for relaxation.

Unfortunately, I don’t have much free time. One of the main reasons for this lack is the fact that I

study six days a week. So, I have only one day off.

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

As for my Sunday afternoons, I spend this time doing my homework for Monday. Sometimes I

manage to watch TV, to play computer games or just to listen to music and simply relax. From time

to time when the weather is fine I go for a walk.

All in all, I firmly believe free time activities make our life more interesting and exciting. Every

time I have a chance I try to do something interesting. That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about weather and seasons. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak

• which of the four seasons you like most, and why

• how the Earth’s climate has changed recently

• whether you trust the weather forecast, and why

I’d like to give a talk about the weather and seasons. I think seasons and weather may seriously

affect our life.

To begin with, in every season there are bright and dark sides. But we must be thankful together

whatever the weather.

From my point of view, the Earth’s climate has recently changed very much. Winters have become

quite warm and snowless and spring comes late enough.

As for the weather forecast, I don’t always trust it because the weather can be very changeable and

unpredictable. When you want to enjoy sunny weather and blue sky there are clouds everywhere.

All in all, I firmly believe that the weather can easily change our plans, but everyone hopes the

weather will be fine.

I must confess that every season is beautiful and attractive in its own way. And as one of the famous

poets says, “I see no reason to speak in prize of any season”.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about keeping fit. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not

· why a healthy lifestyle is popular nowadays;

· what you do to keep fit;

· what sports activities are popular with teenagers in your region;

· what your attitude to a healthy lifestyle is.

I’d like to give a talk about keeping fit. I think it is a very important issue nowadays.

To begin with, the polluted and unhealthy world of today makes people realize the importance of

As for me, I do sport regularly. I go to the swimming pool twice a week. This helps me feel fit and

From my point of view, most of teenagers prefer running or cycling. They often do it to keep fit.

All in all, I firmly believe that keeping fit makes our life more interesting. Every time I have a

chance I go to the gym or to the swimming pool. That’s all I wanted to say about keeping fit.Thank

Пробный огэ по английскому языку 2022 с ответами и аудированием

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not

• what your typical school day is like;

• what your favourite subject is, and why;

• what you like most about your school;

• what weekday you find the most difficult, and why;

• what you would like to change in your school life;

• what your attitude to your school life is.

I’d like to give a talk about my school. I think school is a very important part of everybody’s life.

As for me, I can’t imagine my life without my school.

To begin with, I like our school canteen. I can have a snack there when I have free time during the

From my point of view, it would be better to change our school timetable. It would give us an

opportunity to have an extra day off. If we didn’t have any lessons on Saturdays we would have a

chance to have a rest

All in all, I firmly believe that school makes our life more interesting and exciting. I take prt in all

extra-curricular activities at my school. That’s all I wanted to say about my school. Thank you for

I’d like to give a talk about my school. . I think school is a very important part of everybody’s life.

To begin with, my school day usually starts at half past eight. I usually have six or seven lessons

every day. So my classes finish at two or three p.m. After every lesson I have a break. During this

time I can have a snack at our school canteen or just have a little rest.

All in all, I firmly believe that school makes our life brighter. I always try to do my best at school.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school homework. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and

• how long it takes you to do your homework

• what subject you usually start with, and why

• whether schoolchildren should be given more or less homework, and why


I’d like to give a talk about my school homework. I think it is impossible to imagine learning at

school without it.

To begin with, every day I spend much time enough doing my homework.

From my point of view, schoolchildren should be given less homework. In such way they will be

able to prepare for the lessons better.

All in all, I firmly believe that school homework makes our life busier. Every time a have a chance I

try to do my homework in advance. In this way I manage to save time during the school week.

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