20 лучших цитат про понедельник, которые засмешат и поднят дух

Обзор Понедельного уныния и его последствий

Если понедельник утром напоминает вам о чашке свежего кофе, вашем еженедельном плане и вдохновляющих мыслях о продуктивности, вы уникальный человек. К сожалению, понедельничные хандренки настолько распространены, что они стали культурным явлением.

Понедельное уныние: проблема или явление

Если вы чувствуете себя подавленным, раздраженным, перегруженным, вялым и напряженным в начале рабочей недели, вероятно, вы сталкиваетесь с понедельничной хандрой. Для большинства из нас это знакомое вялое состояние проявляется у нас в понедельник.

Синдром Понедельного утомления у лошадей

Синдром Понедельного утомления у лошадей – это синдром мышечной усталости, боли или спазмов, связанный с физической нагрузкой. Встречаются менее распространенные усложненные миопатии, вызывающие непереносимость к физической активности без некроза мышц.

Включая диагноз

Синдром Понедельного утомления у лошадей также известен как Эксерционная миопатия и Эксерционный рабдомиолиз (ER).

Чаще всего эксерционные миопатии вызывают некроз поперечнополосатой скелетной мускулатуры и называются эксерционным рабдомиолизом. Хотя ранее эксерционный рабдомиолиз рассматривался как единое заболевание, описываемое как азотурия, хватка или скручивание, сейчас известно, что он включает несколько различных миопатий, которые, несмотря на сходство клинической картины, значительно отличаются по патогенезу.

Прогноз после суперкубка

После Суперкубка LVIII, ожидается, что около 16,1 миллиона сотрудников заболеют Гриппом Суперкубка, согласно Институту трудового потенциала UKG.

Значение происшествия

Такое большое количество сотрудников выходит с больничным в Супер-больной понедельник, и даже петиции и законодатели пытаются сделать его официальным праздником.

В итоге: Приблизительно 14,5 миллионов взрослых признались, что врут о том, что болеют после Суперкубка, из которых 11% являются менеджерами, сообщает UKG.

Согласно словам руководителя команды UKG Криса Тодда: Любое крупное культурное событие – это возможность объединения людей, и для руководителей – это возможность осознать, что у нас есть жизнь за работой.

Более подробно на сайте Аксиос.


Все вышеперечисленные данные и факты показывают, как понедельничные факторы влияют на нас, а также о том, как они могут быть решены или облегчены. Первый шаг – это осознание проблемы, чтобы найти пути к эффективным решениям.

Цитаты для вдохновения в понедельник

“Каждое утро у вас есть два выбора: продолжать спать с вашими мечтами или просыпаться и идти за ними.”

Rebecca Gober

“Конфеты – это способ природы извиниться за понедельники.”

Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

“Это должен быть дух каждого понедельника. Знайте, что всегда что-то хорошее случится.”

David Dweck

“Понедельник – это начало рабочей недели, которая предлагает новые начинания 52 раза в году!”

Andrea L’Artiste

“Вы на контроле. Никогда не позволяйте вашему понедельнику быть безумным.”

Art Rooney

“Самое большое удовольствие не в выигрыше в воскресенье, а в том, чтобы выплатить зарплату в понедельник.”

Tom Wilson

“Понедельники – это ямы на дороге жизни.”

John Phillips

“Понедельник, понедельник, так хорошо ко мне; Понедельник утром был всем, на что я надеялся.”

Kimberly Jiménez

“Хорошо, это понедельник. Но кто сказал, что понедельники должны быть плохими? Будьте бунтарями и проведите отличный день в любом случае.”

The Bangles, “Manic Monday”

“Это просто еще один бешеный понедельник. Я бы хотела, чтобы это было воскресенье. Потому что это мой веселый день. Мой день, когда мне не нужно бежать.”

Cristina Imre

“Понедельник для людей с миссией.”

Julio Alexi Genao

“Итак. Понедельник. Мы встречаемся снова. Мы никогда не будем друзьями, но, возможно, мы сможем преодолеть нашу в

Как победить дурной понедельник

20 лучших цитат про понедельник, которые засмешат и поднят дух

Это был такой понедельник! Я был бы рад остаться в постели, и мне бы хотелось, чтобы вчера этого не произошло.

Байрон Палсифер

20 лучших цитат про понедельник, которые засмешат и поднят дух

То, что начато в понедельник, должно продолжаться до пятницы; то есть, восторг.

Кевин Далтон

20 лучших цитат про понедельник, которые засмешат и поднят дух

Что насчет понедельника? Может быть, это единственный день, когда мы смотрим на вещи одинаково, и надеваем смешные туфли.

Камилла Эйринг Кимболл

20 лучших цитат про понедельник, которые засмешат и поднят дух

Ты не находишь счастливую жизнь. Ты создаешь ее.

Чарльз Диккенс

20 лучших цитат про понедельник, которые засмешат и поднят дух

Само солнце слабо, когда оно только встает; и собирает силы и мужество по мере продвижения дня.

Изабелла Колдрас

20 лучших цитат про понедельник, которые засмешат и поднят дух

В каждом дне есть много возможностей, и понедельник – отличный день, чтобы их использовать все…

Джозайя Сото является заместителем главного редактора новостей и социальных медиа для The Pioneer Woman. Он помогает управлять социальными каналами веб-сайта, а также пишет высокоэффективный контент новостей и развлечений ежедневно.

Чувствуете ли вы страх или тревогу, когда приближается понедельник? Чувствуете ли вы, что утром понедельника вы лишены вдохновения и мотивации? Имеете ли вы ощущение вялости или напряжения? Если вы киваете, то, возможно, страдаете от понедельной хандры, или как говорят в народе, от ощущения грусти, безжизненности или тревоги, с которыми некоторые люди сталкиваются по понедельникам.

Понедельные уныния настолько распространены, что они стали культурным явлением. Исследование The Telegraph показывает, что сотрудники обычно не начинают улыбаться до 11:16 утра в понедельник, и их меланхоличные выражения тяготеют дольше обычного, что говорит о том, что имеется научное обоснование психологии за понедельной хандры.

Это явление также может быть связано с зоной комфорта, поскольку люди часто испытывают негативные чувства и сопротивление, когда им приходится покидать зону комфорта и возвращаться к требованиям работы после выходных.

Как говорится: Жизнь начинается там, где заканчивается зона комфорта, вы можете принять некоторые из этих советов, чтобы избавиться от понедельных уныний и, в целом, сделать время на работе гораздо более веселым:

Советы по преодолению понедельничных хандры

Many of these symptoms have the potential to lead to psychosomatic diseases resulting in lack of sleep, appetite issues and behavioural abnormalities. Job dissatisfaction is not the only cause of these setbacks and a combination of issues ranging from lack of proper focus on the job to severe interpersonal problems could lead to such lassitude and job fatigue. On the positive side, this is an unambiguous warning signal to contemplate corrective actions on priority to prevent the situation from further deterioration. It provides an opportunity to review and revamp working styles or change the nature of the job to suit one’s preferences and capabilities.

Overcoming Monday Blues and triggering motivation levels is a comprehensive exercise for which the individual has to change his mindset and identify the problem instead of groping in the dark. If the symptoms are persistent, the specific problem needs to be tackled with the right solutions. Proactive approach through preparation for Monday itself is a good initiative. Tackling gruelling tasks on Friday leaving less backlog for Monday would be an ideal answer, if workload is the issue. Next, One has to fully unplug during the weekend through enjoyable unwinding pursuits. For many people, overthinking and worrisome weekend creates a bad Monday. One has to ensure proper sleep quality, worryfree weekend and engaging in activities which create joy and happiness are essential to relieve job stress. In the work front, issues creating anxiety needs to be tackled with the support of the team as well as seniors by jointly finding appropriate solutions. Involving all stakeholders is a real stress buster.

Maintaining a positive attitude, focus on real issues for quick resolution and regular meditation regimen add value to human existence and professional success. Enjoying the work through joint efforts with a sense of gratitude, pursuit of engaging hobbies in the weekend will go a long way to relieve stress levels and augment one’s approach to job imperatives. Lastly, it is essential to review job nature and suitability for one’s aspirations on a periodical basis and take corrective measures either to change the job or the job content for better results. Unhappiness resulting out of poor career progression needs to be transparently discussed with the relevant people in order to identify bottlenecks and solve them on priority. Opacity on the job is the biggest villain and contributes to pentup negative emotions which should be eschewed at any cost.

Let us make Monday a happy day through positive efforts and objective handling of trouble spots.

"Bare minimum Mondays" is a workplace trend that allows employees to do the minimum amount of work on Mondays to alleviate stress and start the week on a lighter note. It has been embraced by many companies as it boosts employee morale and productivity. The trend aims to eliminate "Sunday scaries" and increase creativity by prioritizing less time-consuming tasks.

We all love Fridays, right?

The entire day, we try to contain our excitement and eagerly wait for the clock to hit 6 so that we can peacefully settle into the weekend vibes. Especially these days, with several companies offering four-day work weeks, employees feel more productive and efficient towards the end of the week.

Also Read

However, the moment Sunday evening arrives, we start experiencing certain emotions, popularly known as “Sunday scaries” – basically when Sundays become stressful, instead of rejuvenating. Just the thought of returning to the normal work routine pushes you into a state of panic and despair. And, you find it hard to prepare your mind and body to transition back to the rise-and-grind environment.

But what if we told you there is a new workplace trend to help you get rid of these Sunday scaries and Monday blues? It allows you to get the important work done and smoothly ease your way into the rest of the week. It is called “bare minimum Mondays”.

What exactly is ‘bare minimum Mondays’?Being viewed as a spin on the trend of quiet quitting, bare minimum Mondays basically emphasise alleviating employees’ stress by allowing them to do the bare minimum work on Mondays and start the week on a lighter note. Unlike the previous trail of employee trends that received a massive backlash, bare minimum Mondays is actually being embraced by a lot of companies due to its ability to boost employee morale and make everyone more productive.

Caitlin Winter, an Australian marketing manager, has expressed that introducing this trend among her team members has been “one of the best decisions she’s ever made as a boss”, as reported by news.com.au. She said that it allowed her employees to easily customise their day’s work at their own pace, indulge in self-care, and at the same time, smartly plan for the rest of the week.

  1. Amplifies productivity – When employees prioritise three to four less-time consuming tasks to execute on a Monday, they naturally witness an increase in their productivity levels. In addition, when you don’t micromanage multiple tasks simultaneously, you allow your creative juices to flow freely. And that’s precisely when you get to generate some ground-breaking ideas or strategies to guarantee the success of a project. So, why not take a break from the hustle culture?

  2. Boosts employee retention – Not only for the employees, but this trend can be beneficial for companies as well. When employees’ concerns are addressed at a workspace and they are offered flexibility in more ways than one, they automatically put all their effort into achieving their goals. Moreover, they don’t feel the need to look for other companies in hopes of better perks. Therefore, this trend can potentially reduce attrition rates and improve employee retention.

Are there any possible downsides?Like every other workplace trend, bare minimum Mondays too comes with a few disadvantages.

The Final Verdict

Workplace burnout has long been a problem for both employees and organisations, and bare minimum Mondays might offer one possible solution. Unlike trends like quiet quitting, great resignation and moonlighting, this trend intends to promote productivity, bolster employee morale and increase efficiency. If implemented appropriately, it can ensure holistic growth of the employees and the businesses. However, what’s important is to customise the concept according to the needs of the business, so that neither the work nor the employee suffers.


2023 Aug 21

Free Books & Documents

Metal Fume Fever

Barry E. Brenner


Metal fume fever is a self-limited febrile illness that occurs in those individuals that fuse metals, such as welders. Welders also are involved in filling indentations and seams in the metal. Metal fume fever presents as a flu-like syndrome occurring shortly after these activities and others where metals are bound together. Improvement occurs over the course of the work week, but re-ex-exposure after return to work results in a return of symptoms, such as fever, malaise, and wheezing. For this reason, it is sometimes called "Monday morning fever." The first reported cases were in the 1830s. The association between metal oxides with symptoms of fever, dyspnea, and muscle aches was proven when Lehmann exposed himself and four volunteers to gaseous products of the welding process, including zinc oxide.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the syndrome of metal fume fever is seen most often in welders, cutters, brazers, and solderers. Welders use many different techniques. The most common is using electric currents to create heat, slightly melt metals, and bond them together. Arc welding produces currents to create intense heat, which melts metals and facilitates bonding. The process chosen depends on the metals to be bonded. Zinc is the most common metal involved in these bonding procedures.

"Cutters" use an ionized gas called plasma, also of intense heat, to trim metal objects to specific dimensions. Plasma cutters may be involved in dismantling large objects such as ships, railroad cars, and buildings. Solderers and brazers use a third metal to join two or more other metal objects. Solderers typically work with small metal pieces that must be positioned precisely, for example, transistors or computer chips. Brazers connect dissimilar metals through the agency of filler material, thereby producing strong joints between multiple metals. Brazers may also apply coatings to protect against corrosion and wear.

Exposure to metal fumes has caused recognized illness for about 200 years and has been known under several names such as Monday fever, brass founders’ ague, welders ague, smelter chills, and zinc shakes. Exposure is from inhaling fumes during the welding process or cutting galvanized metal. Galvanization is a process by which a zinc coating is applied to steel. This process protects the steel from oxidation, corrosion, and weakening.

Conflict of interest statement

Disclosure: Barry Brenner declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Daniel Keyes declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.


Beyond a highly probable hereditary factor, there does not seem to be a single cause that triggers ER in horses. Exercise is seen in every case, but exercise is always accompanied by another factor. It is likely that several factors must act together in order to cause an ER attack.

Other possible factors include–

The more factors that are present, the greater the likelihood that the horse will develop ER. However, the most common cause of ER is an imbalance between the animal’s diet and his workload, especially when he has a high-grain diet.

20 лучших цитат про понедельник, которые засмешат и поднят дух

Pathophysiology of Monday Morning Sickness in Horses

The body builds up a store of glycogen from converted carbohydrates in muscle cells. Glycogen, a fuel used by muscles for energy, is depleted during work and restocked when a horse rests. Oxygen-carrying blood metabolizes glycogen, but the blood can not flow fast enough to metabolise the excess stored glycogen. The glycogen that is not metabolized aerobically (by the oxygenated blood) must then be metabolized anaerobically, which then creates the cell waste products and heat, and ER has begun. A horse on a high-grain diet with little work collects more glycogen in its muscles than it can use efficiently when exercise begins, which is why horses on a high-grain diet are more likely to develop ER.

Proper conditioning can help prevent Monday Morning Sickness in Horses, as it promotes the growth of capillaries in muscles and the number of enzymes used for energy production in muscle cells. However, improvement in these areas can take several weeks. Thus, ER is more common in horses that are only worked sporadically or lightly, and in horses just beginning an exercise regimen.

A common misconception is that Monday Morning Sickness in Horses is caused by the buildup of lactic acid. Lactate is not a waste product for a cell, but a fuel, used when the cell’s oxygen supply is insufficient. Lactate does not damage a cell, but is rather a byproduct of the true cause of cell damage: inadequate blood supply and altered cell function. Lactate naturally builds up in an exercising horse without harming the muscle cells, and is metabolized within an hour afterward.

The pain is caused by the inadequate blood flow to the muscle tissue, the inflammation from the resulting cell damage, and the release of cell contents. Muscle spasms, caused by the lack of blood to the muscle tissue, are also painful.

Clinical signs usually are seen shortly after onset of exercise–

Episodes range from subclinical to severe muscle necrosis with recumbency and myoglobinuric renal failure. The severity varies extensively between individuals and to some degree within the same individual. A diagnosis of exertional rhabdomyolysis is based on demonstration of abnormal increases in serum CK, lactate dehydrogenase, and AST.

Exertional rhabdomyolysis can be either sporadic, with single or very infrequent episodes of exercise-induced muscle necrosis, or chronic, with repeated episodes of rhabdomyolysis and increased serum CK or AST with mild exertion.


Some horses have recurrent episodes of rhabdomyolysis, even with light exercise. Four forms of chronic tying-up have been identified using muscle biopsies or genetic testing:

Type 1 polysaccharide storage myopathy

Type 1 polysaccharide storage myopathy is seen frequently in Quarter horse–related breeds (especially halter and Western pleasure horses), Morgans, and draft horses but is also present in at least 20 other horse breeds. It is caused by a dominantly inherited mutation in the glycogen synthase 1 (GYS1) gene. A diagnosis can be made by genetic testing of blood or hair samples. Quarter horse–related breeds and other crossbred or light breeds of horses with type 1 PSSM often develop episodes of rhabdomyolysis at a young age with little exercise. Rest for a few days before exercise is a common triggering factor. Episodes are characterized by a tucked-up abdomen, a camped-out stance, muscle fasciculations, sweating, gait asymmetry, hindlimb stiffness, and reluctance to move. Some horses paw or roll, resembling equine colic.

Type 2 polysaccharide storage myopathy

Type 2 polysaccharide storage myopathy occurs in light breeds such as Arabians, Morgans, Thoroughbreds, a variety of Warmblood breeds and some Quarter horses. A diagnosis is made by identifying an abnormal pattern of glycogen storage in muscle biopsies in a horse with a negative GYS1 genetic test. In Quarter horses <1 yr old, it may cause difficulty rising from a recumbent position and increased serum CK activity. Chronic episodes of muscle stiffness, soreness, and muscle atrophy with normal to modest increases in serum CK are common in horses with type 2 PSSM. The most common presentation of this disorder in Warmbloods is a gait abnormality, exercise intolerance, and loss of muscle mass when out of work that is not necessarily accompanied by a concomitant rise in serum CK.

Malignant hyperthermia

Malignant hyperthermia is caused by an autosomal dominant mutation in the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1). The mutation is responsible for both anesthesia-related and non-anesthesia-related causes of rhabdomyolysis in Quarter horses. A diagnosis can be made by genetic testing of blood or hair roots. Signs related to inhalation anaesthesia include tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, muscle rigidity accompanied by a severe lactic acidosis, increased serum CK, and electrolyte derangements. Exertional rhabdomyolysis in Quarter horses with malignant hyperthermia can result in sudden death. Signs are preceded by excessive sweating, tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, and muscle rigidity. Some Quarter horses have both malignant hyperthermia and PSSM, which results in more severe signs of exertional rhabdomyolysis than those seen in horses with PSSM alone.

Recurrent exertional rabdomyolysis

Recurrent exertional rabdomyolysis is seen frequently in Thoroughbreds, Standardbreds, and Arabian horses. It is likely due to abnormal regulation of intracellular calcium in skeletal muscles. It appears there is intermittent disruption of muscle contraction, particularly when horses susceptible to the condition are fit and have a nervous temperament. In Thoroughbreds, it is likely inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.


Diagnostic tests to determine the cause of chronic tying-up include a CBC, serum chemistry panel, serum vitamin E and selenium concentrations, urinalysis to determine electrolyte balance, dietary analysis, exercise testing, muscle biopsy, and genetic testing. An exercise challenge test is useful to detect subclinical cases; serum CK is measured before and 4 hr after light exercise. In addition, quantifying the extent of exertional rhabdomyolysis during mild exercise is helpful in deciding how rapidly to reinstate training.

😡 5 Reasons Why We Hate Mondays

There is almost no difference between a Sunday and a Monday. Both days can be enjoyable or painful. We often hate Mondays not because we hate our schools, colleges, or jobs. Rather, our weekend/weekday lifestyles are so dramatically different from each other that this psychological shift is highly unpleasant for us.

Your Sleep Pattern Changes

If you have ever traveled by plane far enough to experience a two-hour time change or more, you know how difficult it is to readjust to a new sleeping schedule. Unfortunately, few people consider how much stress their bodies suffer every Monday morning. On weekends, you wake up without an alarm clock, but on Monday, you force your body to shift to a new “time zone.”

This problem has been widely studied by scientists and was even given a name: “social jetlag.” The longer people oversleep on the weekend, the larger the difference between their normal rise time on weekdays. Still, early-risers tend to suffer less from social jetlag, as found in morningness research. That is why changes to your sleep patterns are highly detrimental to human health and should be avoided. Keep reading to find out how to resolve these challenges.

You Don’t Want the Weekend to Be Over

Contemporary people are merely cavemen who moved from caves to large buildings made of concrete and glass. We are social animals who feel happy in a “tribe.” If you feel that the only people who understand and appreciate you are your family and friends, you will always wake up depressed on Monday mornings.

Successful modern companies are aware of their employees’ need to be engaged in communication at a deeper level than just work issues, so they arrange team-building events and other social activities. However, not every job can provide the luxury of relaxed chatting. So, in this case, people replenish their need for human interaction on weekends. On Sunday night, we know the fun is over, so we often get depressed. But if you have a good friend at work, this change will become less noticeable.

You Are Less Healthy

You’re not making up your symptoms; people are actually less healthy on Mondays. Heart attacks are more common, and people even weigh more on Mondays than other weekdays. During the weekend, our meal size increases, and physical work decreases (we sleep more, remember?), so that sluggish feeling on a Monday morning has nothing to do with Monday itself.

Moreover, we seem to be more concerned with a healthy lifestyle at the beginning of the working week. Google Trends data shows that searches on health-related issues peak on Mondays. The reasons may be twofold. First, we often promise ourselves to start a new life (exercise, diet, etc.) next week. Second, as mentioned above, people really do feel worse and often search the web for their symptoms.

You Feel Worse

In addition to excessive meals, Sunday evenings are often used for other unhealthy stress-relievers, such as alcohol and smoking. Furthermore, in an attempt to extend the pleasure of a weekend and postpone the working week, people go to bed later than usual on Sundays. All these factors make the Monday blues a physiological condition, not a psychological one.

We can aggravate this “Monday hangover” with the decision to become a better person, as we discussed in the previous point. A diet is also a stress to the body, even if it is a healthy one. You will start feeling its positive effect over time, but the first day will be far from pleasurable. Thus, if you need to develop a healthy habit on Monday, do some preparatory work during the weekend.

You Hate Your School, College, or Job

Finally, this is the most serious reason and the hardest one to change. A global poll carried out by Gallup has shown that only 15% of full-time workers around the globe (about one billion people) are engaged by their work. The situation is better in the U.S., where around 30% of workers report being engaged. Still, it means that 70% of American employees aren’t engaged. The reasons may be endless, but the result is just one: 70% of people dislike their job.

The situation with school and college studies is no better: 20% of students reported bullying at college, as this literature review found. Others have conflicts with teachers and peers or do not enjoy certain subjects. Changing a school, college, or job because of interpersonal issues is difficult to do and unlikely to occur.

🤩 Have a Great Monday

Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!

Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.

Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.

If you have the right mindset, you can be just as happy on Monday as you are on Friday.

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.

Believe on Monday the way you believe on Sunday.

Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday.

Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.

If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

Every day is different, and some days are better than others, but no matter how challenging the day, I get up and live it.

Either you run the day or the day runs you.

Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.

There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.

Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Neale Donald Walsch

❓ What Is the Meaning of Monday Blues?

Having the Monday blues means that you wake up feeling sad, low-spirited, and run down on Monday morning. This phenomenon generally affects students, workers, and employees who have a five-day working week. Returning to work can annoy and depress people, leaving them unmotivated.

Considerable research has been carried out to test whether people’s behavior is affected by specific days of the week. The findings of these studies confirm that the Monday blues is not just a figure of speech. An experimental study at Emporia State University has shown that people tend to be more depressed on Mondays than Fridays. They are less likely to incur risks and more likely to avoid spending money.

However, students are the most vulnerable group to Mondayitis. A psychological study revealed that the summary of university students’ daily moods indicated a large Monday blues effect. Meanwhile, married men who did not study at a university experienced a lighter effect and a larger mood variance. According to these findings, one could assume that the difference in the moods of married men on Mondays depends on how exciting and motivating their work is. Respectively, students’ stress levels are very high and leave little energy for enjoying their studies.

People tend to underestimate minor continuous stress. Constant pressure wears away a stone, not to mention a complicated biological system like a human being. The Monday blues don’t end on Tuesday. The phenomenon lasts until Friday evening, to a lesser degree. But days off do not provide full-fledged relief. On Saturday, people start to feel anxious about the upcoming Monday, and on Sunday, they begin to stress. Anxiety can cause some people to remain in bed all weekend and prevent them from doing more active and engaging activities. This vicious circle requires a thoughtful solution.


Horses with malignant hyperthermia may benefit from premedication with dantrolene (4 mg/kg, PO) 60–90 min before exercise, particularly under hot conditions.

Dantrolene (4 mg/kg, PO) given 1 hr before exercise may decrease the release of calcium from the calcium release channel. Phenytoin (1.4–2.7 mg/kg, PO, bid) has also been advocated as a treatment for horses with recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis. Therapeutic levels vary, so oral dosages are adjusted by monitoring serum levels to achieve 8–12 mcg/mL. However, longterm treatment with dantrolene or phenytoin is expensive.

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Although it may require some time, effort, or changes to your habitual lifestyle, these problems can be resolved. The next five points provide a comprehensive solution to the Monday blues to ensure enjoyable mornings throughout the working week.

Go to Bed Early

Developing a structured morning routine will also help you go to bed earlier. Knowing that you have to run a few miles at 6 A.M. to keep up with your exercise goals will motivate you to plan your evening accordingly.

Avoid Overscheduling

For a smooth transition from a relaxing weekend to a busy Monday, plan fewer activities for the first day of the working week. If you attend additional courses or participate in sports, try to schedule them during the middle of the week. If some personal meetings cannot be arranged for weekends, plan them for Friday evening.

Some people benefit from writing down a plan for the upcoming week on Sunday evening. In such a way, you can figure out how to distribute your work throughout the week. Big tasks look easier if divided into smaller, more manageable parts, so your motivation and productivity will also benefit from such a practice. Using additional resources like our essay database may also increase your efficiency of dealing with assignments.

Don’t Forget about Your Self-Care Habits

While trying to develop healthy and productive habits, do not forget about the ones you already have. Having a strict schedule during the week doesn’t do much good if we break it every weekend. In part, Mondays are so hard because we leave normal sleeping, eating, and exercise habits behind on Friday evening.

Therefore, try to balance your weekend and weekday lifestyles: sleeping hours, fun, rest, and work. It is often better to study a couple of hours on Saturday to make the week less packed. Similarly, never leave all the laundry and cleaning for the weekend. Your weekend will just turn into another working day without any rest. Find the least busy day during the week and do some of your chores then.

Do Something You Love

Make your mornings something to look forward to. This will motivate you to go to bed earlier, and also make Monday mornings less disappointing. Many people read before going to bed. However, reading several pages with a cup of coffee every morning sounds pretty nice, too. You can break the monotony and start your day with something more interesting than just cleaning your teeth (although you shouldn’t forget about this!).

If your schedule allows, dedicate Monday evenings to the things you enjoy doing. Distribute your assignments throughout the rest of the week to have some free time on this day. In this way, you will be more productive throughout the week and still be able to find an hour or two for your hobbies.

Rethink Your Study or Job

All of us have relatively the same level of luck, success, and failures in our lives. However, some people are happier than others. For the most part, the reason is their attitude. They are more likely to think about the pleasurable side of things than minor problems that often can be ignored or resolved after little contemplation.

Take time to recognize the things you appreciate about your studies or job. There is always something positive to find: pleasant people you interact with, an amiable atmosphere in class or your office, exciting assignments, etc. Focus on what you get, not on what it takes. Still, if you know that your degree is not the one for you, or if your job is poorly-paid and too stressful to bear, you might need to make a decision to radically change your life.


All breeds of horses are susceptible to sporadic exertional rhabdomyolysis. The most common cause is exercise that exceeds the horse’s state of training. The incidence of muscle stiffness also has been found to increase during an outbreak of respiratory disease. Dietary deficiencies of sodium, vitamin E, selenium, or a calcium:phosphorus imbalance may also be contributory factors.

A diagnosis of sporadic exertional rhabdomyolysis is made on the basis of a horse with no previous history, or a brief history, of exertional rhabdomyolysis, signs of muscle cramping and stiffness after exercise, and moderate to marked increases in serum CK and AST. Immediately on detection of signs of exertional rhabdomyolysis, exercise should stop and the horse should be moved to a well-bedded stall with access to fresh water. The objectives of treatment are to relieve anxiety and muscle pain and to correct fluid and acid-base deficits. Tranquilizers or opioids may be given. NSAIDs can be given to a well-hydrated horse. Most horses are relatively pain free within 18–24 hr.

Severe rhabdomyolysis can lead to renal compromise due to ischemia and the combined nephrotoxic effects of myoglobinuria, dehydration, and NSAID therapy. The first priority in horses with hemoconcentration or myoglobinuria is to reestablish fluid balance and induce diuresis. In severely affected animals, regular monitoring of BUN and/or serum creatinine is advised to assess the extent of renal damage. Diuretics are contraindicated in the absence of IV fluid therapy and are indicated if the horse is in oliguric renal failure.

Horses should be stall rested on a hay diet with a dietary vitamin and mineral ration balancer supplement for a few days. For horses with sporadic forms of exertional rhabdomyolysis, rest with regular access to a paddock should continue until serum muscle enzyme concentrations are normal. Because the inciting cause is usually temporary, most horses respond to rest, a gradual increase in training, and dietary adjustment. Endurance horses should be encouraged to drink electrolyte-supplemented water during an endurance ride and monitored particularly closely during hot, humid conditions.

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