Geography & Travel: London Zoo, United Kingdom
Аквариум был разделен на три зала, каждый из которых был домом для различных видов рыб и другой водной фауны. Первый зал в основном содержал пресноводные виды, такие как густера и европейские угри, а также некоторые морские виды, участвующие в различных проектах по сохранению и программам разведения в неволе, такие как морские веера, уарусы и морские коники. Во втором зале были представлены различные виды коралловых рыб со всего мира, такие как рыбы-клоуны, медовые рыбы и королевские хвостики, а также настоящие кораллы. Третий зал содержал виды, характерные для реки Амазонки, включая краснобрюхих пираньи, ангеловых рыб, арапаимов и пятнистых речных скатов. Помимо трех залов, в аквариуме также был Большой Аквариум, в котором содержались крупные виды рыб, которые были бывшими домашними животными и должны были быть спасены, потому что их владельцы не имели правильного оборудования или понимания для их ухода.
Животное приключение
Животное приключение (ранее называемое Детский Зоопарк им. Амбики Пауль) было открыто в 2009 году и представляет собой зону, в основном предназначенную для детей, с игровыми площадками и фонтаном. Оно было построено после того, как умер ребенок, который любил посещать зоопарк со своей семьей, Амбика Пауль. Ее родители пожертвовали £1,000,000 зоопарку для построения зоопарка для детей в ее честь. Многие животные в Животном приключении являются домашними животными, такими как ламы, альпаки и козы, а также свиньи кунекуне. Экзотические виды, которые выставлены, включают в себя мышьякового дикобраза, южноамериканских коати и желтых мангустов.
Бывший Дом Рептилий
- Раджа, самец комодского дракона
Маленькие Гиганты
Маленькие Гиганты, ранее называемые B.U.G.S., экспозиция с беспозвоночными и рыбами. Она находится в здании под названием Милленниумский Центр Консервации, и в здании представлено более 160 видов, включая западных медоносов, муравьев-листорезов, императорских скорпионов, золотистых пауков-орбовчиков, мадагаскарских пауков-орбовчиков, мексиканских тарантулов-красноколенок, пауков-птицедевов, пустынных саранч, лунных медуз, улиток партул и многих других.
С Лемурами
- Атласный мотылек в Райском Парке Бабочек
Обитатели Гиббонов
Гиббоновый Биотоп – новый вольер для двух гиббонов зоопарка с двумя точками обзора: одна на уровне земли рядом с поляной верблюдов, а другая на более высоком уровне от Территории Тигра. Из пары самцов один – это северный белощекий гиббон, а другой – гибридный вид. Изначально они жили в Королевстве Горилл.
Сурикаты и Выдры
- Сурикаты и Выдры, ранее называемые Счастливые Семьи, включает два вольера. Один из них содержит малазийских когтевых выдер, а другой – сурикатов. Экспозиция изначально создавалась для содержания сурикатов, выдр, европейских северных оленей и мартышек Гоэлди. Олени впоследствии были переведены в зоопарк Уипснейд, а обезьяны были переведены в здание Лес Дождевого Леса зоопарка.
Трехостровной Пруд
Трехостровной Пруд был признан выставочным только в 2021 году. Этот искусственно созданный пруд назван в честь трех островов, находящихся в нем. Он разделен на два вольера: один содержит большие фламинго, а другой – восточных белых пеликанов.
Лондонский зоопарк: знаменитые животные и история
Другие заметные животные в коллекции Лондонского зоопарка включают верблюдов бактрийского типа, военных ара, гиацинтовых ара, синегорлых ара и лемуров-мерину Алоатранского полуострова.
Заметные прошлые животные
Единственные фотографии живого квагга были сделаны в Лондонском зоопарке с 1864 по 1870 год.
За всю историю зоопарка здесь жили многие известные обитатели. Это могли быть научно важные особи или просто любимцы публики.
Скульптура на территории зоопарка, где А. А. Милн привел своего сына, чтобы увидеть дружелюбного медведя Виннипега, вдохновившего Милна на написание Винни-Пуха.
Жеребец Гая в королевском суде.
Отреставрированное место обитания пингвинов – здание первой категории.
В популярной культуре
Гарри Поттер с бирманским питоном в доме рептилий.
Звуковое описание Лондонского зоопарка Андреем Саксом.
Посетите Лондонский зоопарк
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Сделайте свой визит особенным с одним из наших впечатлений в Лондонском зоопарке.
Членство в Лондонском зоопарке
Станьте членом ZSL и получите неограниченное количество посещений как в Лондонском зоопарке, так и в Зоопарке Уипснейд, а также эксклюзивные обновления об анималистической жизни!
Загрузите приложение для посетителей Лондонского зоопарка
Исследуйте консервационный зоопарк своим путем с помощью навигации по GPS.
Загляните в самый большой пингвиний бассейн Англии и посмотрите потрясающую колонию пингвинов хумбольдтовой пингвинии, гуляющих по суше и летающих в воде! Живая пингвинья бухта предлагает два раза в день кормления, где вы можете наблюдать, как птицы погружаются и ныряют за своей пищей.
Полетите в Павильон Блэкберна
Окунитесь в разноцветье в Павильоне Блэкберна – нашем выставочном павильоне для птиц. И посмотрите, как звенит часы Павильона Блэкберна каждые 30 минут – одна из самых забавных живых экспозиций зоопарка.
Насладитесь обедом с видом
Сбегите от толпы на обед у канала или тихое сиденье на Лесной тропе. Посмотрите, можете ли вы заметить каких-нибудь кольобусов, качающихся в Долине Обезьян с видом снизу!
At London Zoo, you can witness animal feeding time, where experienced keepers provide enriching meals for the residents of the zoo. Its a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the dietary habits and behaviors of different species.
Visitors can enjoy the unique experience of watching animal feeding sessions at London Zoo. It is not only educational but also allows visitors to witness the fascinating feeding behaviors of various species.
Zoo Nights
London Zoo offers an exclusive after-hours experience with its popular Zoo Nights event. Visitors can explore the zoo at twilight, enjoying live music, delicious food, and even animal encounters.
Butterfly Paradise
London Zoo is home to a breathtaking butterfly paradise called the Butterfly Paradise Walk. Here, visitors can enter an exotic rainforest habitat filled with colorful butterflies from around the world.
The Bird House
The Bird House at London Zoo is a haven for bird enthusiasts. With over 180 species, it offers a charming display of vibrant plumage and melodious songs.
Nocturnal Experiences
London Zoo offers unique nocturnal experiences for visitors to witness the behaviors of nighttime creatures. From bats to owls, these encounters provide insight into the fascinating world of nocturnal animals.
London Zoo is a captivating destination that continues to inspire and educate visitors about the wonders of the animal kingdom. With its rich history, diverse collection of species, and commitment to conservation, it remains an iconic landmark in the heart of the city.
In conclusion, London Zoo is more than just a regular zoo. It is a fascinating destination that offers a blend of education, entertainment, and conservation. With its rich history, impressive collection of animals, and innovative conservation efforts, it continues to be a popular attraction for locals and tourists alike. Whether you are interested in learning about rare and endangered species, experiencing interactive exhibits, or simply enjoying a day out with your family, London Zoo has something to offer for everyone. So, the next time you find yourself in London, make sure to pay a visit to this unique and intriguing zoo.
1. How old is London Zoo?
London Zoo was established in 1828, making it one of the oldest zoos in the world.
2. What are the visiting hours of London Zoo?
The visiting hours of London Zoo vary throughout the year. It is generally open from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, but it is advisable to check their website for the most up-to-date information on opening and closing times.
3. How many animals can be seen at London Zoo?
London Zoo is home to over 20,000 animals representing more than 800 species.
4. Are there any special events or activities at London Zoo?
Yes, London Zoo offers a range of special events and activities throughout the year, such as themed exhibits, feeding sessions, and behind-the-scenes tours. Check their website or inquire at the ticket desk for the current schedule.
5. Is London Zoo involved in conservation efforts?
Yes, London Zoo is actively involved in various conservation programs and is dedicated to the protection and preservation of endangered species. They work closely with international organizations to support breeding programs, research, and habitat conservation initiatives.
London, the vibrant capital of England, is a city that has something for everyone. Known for its rich history, diverse culture, and iconic landmarks, tourists flock to London every year for a taste of its unique charm and elegance. With a history dating back over 2,000 years, London boasts of a multitude of historical sites including the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace. It is also a hub for world-class museums, art galleries, shopping, and entertainment, making it a popular destination for all kinds of travellers.
ZSL London Zoo – In A Nutshell
⏰ Suggested Duration:4-5 hours
☀️ Best Time to Visit:early morning or late afternoon
🎟️ ZSL London Zoo Tickets€33.11
🚇 Closest Metro Camden Town station
Meet the Monkeys exhibit Penguin Beach live feedings Land of the Lions exhibit
Things to know
Opened in: 1828 Location: Regent’s Park ZSL London Zoo is the world’s oldest scientific zoo Home to over 20,000 animals
Opening Hours And Address
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM (last entry – one hour before closing)
Address: ZSL London Zoo, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RY Get Directions
Why Is ZSL London Zoo Worth Visiting?
Embark on an adventure at ZSL London Zoo, where captivating wildlife encounters and unforgettable moments await – purchase your tickets now and be part of the incredible conservation journey.
History Of ZSL London Zoo
ZSL London Zoo is a historic landmark in London that has been in operation for almost 200 years. Founded in 1828, it is the world’s oldest scientific zoo. Throughout its long history, the zoo has played an important role in advancing our understanding of wildlife and conservation.
During the Victorian era, the zoo was a popular destination for Londoners seeking entertainment and exotic adventure. The zoo’s collection of exotic animals and impressive architecture made it a must-visit attraction for curious visitors. However, it was also a place of scientific research, with the zoo’s founder, Sir Stamford Raffles, and Charles Darwin conducting groundbreaking studies of animal behavior and evolution.
The zoo was heavily impacted during World War II, with many of the animals evacuated for their safety. After the war, the zoo shifted its focus to conservation, becoming an important voice in the movement to preserve endangered species. In the 1960s, the zoo became a leader in animal welfare, implementing new standards for animal care and breeding.
Today, ZSL London Zoo is home to over 750 species of animals, making it one of the most diverse zoos in the world. The zoo is dedicated to animal conservation and education, making it an important place to learn about the natural world and the importance of preserving it for future generations. A trip to the zoo is not only a fun day out, but it is also an opportunity to support a vital cause.
ZSL London Zoo Architecture
ZSL London Zoo, situated in the heart of London, boasts a fascinating architecture that is a mix of traditional Victorian style and modern elements. The zoo first opened its doors to the public in 1847, and since then it has undergone several renovations and expansions. The original entrance gate, built in 1828, is still standing and has been beautifully restored. The animal habitats are designed to simulate their natural habitats – the Penguin Beach is shaped like a penguin watering hole, while the Tiger Territory has been designed to resemble the ruins of an ancient temple. The Reptile House is a Grade II listed building, famous for its design that inspired a scene in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
The zoo’s architecture has been influenced by several prominent architects, including Decimus Burton, John James Joass, and Cedric Price, among others. The latest addition to the zoo’s architecture is the Land of the Lions exhibit, which has been designed to resemble an Indian village and features intricately designed temples and architecture.
Visitors interested in architecture will be fascinated by the unique design elements and rich history of ZSL London Zoo.
Highlights of ZSL London Zoo
Get transported straight to the Sasan Gir in Gujarat, India and marvel at the majestic lions roaming freely in this incredible exhibit.
Watch penguins waddle around their icy habitat, as they dive and swim in the pool sharing waves with each other.
Come face-to-face with the Sumatran tigers at this unique exhibit. This award-winning attraction gives diners the chance to dine right next to these big cats while enjoying a meal.
Trek through the Amazonian jungle and explore the canopy, seeking out two-toed sloths, cute emperor tamarin monkeys, and various exotic birds.
Discover the African rainforest through the eyes of some of its most fascinating inhabitants. Be sure to catch a glimpse of the stunning silverback gorillas.
Drop by one of the UK’s most ancient tropic houses to watch a range of reptiles including snakes, iguanas, tortoises, and chameleons.
Travel under the seas with a trip to the aquarium and its over-more than 600 different species of aquatic life, including clownfish, jellyfish, seahorses, and even giant octopuses.
Get up close and personal with the family of monkeys and learn about their behavior and history while feeding them some of their favorite treats at the zoo’s Monkey Island.
Discover an array of African wildlife, including giraffes, zebras, and okapis in the Into Africa exhibit, where you can also learn about the current conservation work being done to help save these animals from extinction.
Take a break from walking and immerse yourself in calming surroundings, where you rejuvenate amidst beautiful butterflies, swooping and soaring around you creating a colorful paradise that is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Best Time to Visit ZSL London Zoo
The best time to visit ZSL London Zoo is typically on weekdays during the off-peak season or during early mornings when the animals are more active, allowing you to enjoy a less crowded and immersive experience.
ZSL London Zoo Timings
Getting to ZSL London Zoo is easy with various options available for public transportation. Located in the heart of London, the zoo is easily accessible by bus, train and tram.
Insider Tips to Visiting ZSL London Zoo
Here are some insider tips to help you have the best time here –
Restaurants Nearby
If you’re looking for an upscale dining experience, The Ledbury is perfect. The restaurant has a Michelin-star and offers contemporary French cuisine. You can enjoy dishes such as loin of roe deer or turbot with smoked eel. The restaurant is only a 15-minute walk from the zoo.
Located in Primrose Hill, this cozy eatery is perfect for brunch or lunch. The food is fresh and homemade with vegan and vegetarian options available. Try their homemade granola with yogurt or their shakshuka with sourdough bread. The restaurant is only a 10-minute walk from the zoo.
For a unique dining experience, try Shaka Zulu. The restaurant offers traditional South African cuisine with entertainment such as live music and dancing. Try their signature dish, the braai platter which includes lamb chops, boerewors, and chicken wings. It’s only a 20-minute walk from the zoo.
Feng Shang Princess
If you’re looking for something different, try Feng Shang Princess, a floating restaurant on a canal boat. They offer Chinese cuisine and dim sum, with vegetarian and vegan options available. Try their crispy duck pancakes or steamed sea bass with ginger and spring onion. The restaurant is only a 10-minute walk from the zoo.
Other Attractions around ZSL London Zoo
Located just 2.5 miles from ZSL London Zoo, Camden Market offers a unique shopping experience with a variety of food, fashion, and music stalls. It’s a great place to soak up the local culture and enjoy some tasty street food.
The stunning Regent’s Park is only half a mile away from the zoo and is a must-visit for nature lovers. Take a stroll through the beautiful rose gardens or hire a boat on the lake for a relaxing afternoon.
If you love celebrity culture, then visiting the world-famous Madame Tussauds wax museum is a must. Situated just 1.5 miles from the zoo, this attraction is full of replicas of famous figures from history, film, and pop culture.
The British Museum
Located 3.5 miles away from the zoo, The British Museum boasts a vast collection of art and artefacts from around the world. Explore the halls of ancient Egyptian mummies and discover historical treasures from across the globe.
The Sherlock Holmes Museum
Just 2 miles from the zoo, the Sherlock Holmes Museum is dedicated to the beloved fictional detective. Step back in time to the Victorian era and explore the recreated interiors of 221B Baker Street, the home of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
For some evening entertainment, head to London’s West End, just 3 miles from the zoo. With a variety of musicals, plays, and comedies on offer, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
Hotels Around ZSL London Zoo
How much is the entrance fee to ZSL London Zoo?
Entrance fees depend on the time of year. Check the website or plan to pay around £30 per adult.
What can you see at ZSL London Zoo?
You can see a variety of animals, including primates, big cats, reptiles, and birds.
Is it possible to bring food into ZSL London Zoo?
Yes, you can bring food and drinks into the zoo.
How long does it take to explore ZSL London Zoo?
Plan to spend at least 3-4 hours to see most of the exhibits.
Yes, there are accessible routes throughout the zoo and wheelchair rentals available.
Can you interact with the animals at ZSL London Zoo?
There are some animal experiences available, including feeding the giraffes and participating in hands-on activities in the children’s zoo.
What are the busiest times to visit ZSL London Zoo?
Weekends and school holidays tend to be the busiest times. Consider visiting during weekdays if possible.
Is ZSL London Zoo suitable for all ages?
Yes, there are exhibits and activities suitable for all ages, making it a great destination for families.
Rohit Jadhav
More of a mountain person than beach, more of a culture-trip person than just visits! Having travelled to most of North India when I was a kid to backpacking across South India in my adulthood, I learnt that you often find your ‘self’ in the most unpredicted of places. And that is my inspiration to travel. To connect with nature, people and cultures. Books are my companion and I find my soul in trees. Music, yoga and literature is my passion. I often dream of attending a Peruvian wedding or living in a quaint Hungarian town for a while. When I am not writing, I would love to go hiking or explore the hidden valleys of Himalayas. Until then, some running and some literature is enough for me to get by!
The annual measurements help zookeepers track each animal’s health over time
A zoo employee weighs a meerkat during the annual weigh-in.
Last week marked the start of the London Zoo’s annual weigh-in, a near-herculean effort in which keepers weigh and measure each of the zoo’s more than 14,000 animals.
“We record the vital statistics of every animal at the zoo—from the tallest giraffe to the tiniest tadpole,” says Angela Ryan, head of zoological operations, in a statement. “Having this data helps to ensure that every animal we care for is healthy, eating well and growing at the rate they should—a key indicator of health and wellbeing.”
London Zoo’s Annual Weigh In
While keepers repeat these measurements many times throughout the year, this zoo-wide event is a chance to ensure records are accurate and up-to-date. It can also help detect changes in an animal’s health, such as a growing waistline that indicates the beginning of a pregnancy.
“We can see a lot from their behaviors and how they’re responding to each other, but we also need to be responsible and know what’s going on internally,” says senior zookeeper Glynn Hennessy in a video from Reuters.
A keeper measures a group of penguins. Mark Case / Getty Images
The process is also mandated by British law: All zoos must take an annual census in order to keep their licenses, as Smithsonian magazine’s Danny Lewis wrote during the zoo’s 2016 count.
The zoo measures “every mammal, bird, reptile, fish and invertebrate in its care” over the course of several days, per the Associated Press.
A keeper coaxes a Bolivian black-capped squirrel monkey onto the scale with a treat.
Taking the measurements, however, isn’t always simple. Some animals need to be coaxed to step onto the scales or to stand up to be measured.
Different animals respond to different strategies. This year, keepers used treats to convince the Bolivian black-capped squirrel monkeys to climb onto the scales. To weigh the Humboldt penguin chicks, keepers strategically placed scales so that the birds would step onto them as they lined up for their morning feed.
Tigers near a height measurement board in their compound Mark Case / Getty Images
Some newcomers are being weighed for the first time. Among them are Zac and Crispin, Sumatran tiger cubs who recently turned one, and Kiburi, a Western lowland gorilla who arrived last November.
The zoo’s heaviest animal is a giraffe named Maggie, who weighs about 750 kilograms (over 1,600 pounds), reports the New York Times’ Claire Moses. Meanwhile, the smallest is the leaf cutter ant, each of which weighs just 5 milligrams. (Rather than weigh each ant, keepers estimate based on the weight of the entire colony.)
During the annual weigh-in, keepers record the vital statistics of all animals, from giraffes to insects.
Staffers enter the measurements into the Zoological Information Management System, a database that zoos around the world use to compare numbers. This practice helps zoos make informed decisions about each animal’s care.
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Filed Under: Animals, Ants, Baby Animals, Birds, Conservation, Endangered Species, England, Fish, Giraffes, Insects, London, Monkeys, Penguins, Reptiles, Zoology
The number of visits to the ZSL London Zoo in the United Kingdom bounced back in 2022, after falling dramatically with the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In 2022, the tourist attraction reported just above one million visitors, almost catching up with pre-pandemic levels.
Chester and Whipsnade zoos among the UK’s top attractions
Despite being in the capital city, London Zoo is not the most visited zoo in England: Chester Zoo, in Cheshire, takes that crown, receiving around 1.6 million visitors in 2021. Meanwhile, the biggest zoo in the UK is Whipsnade Zoo, also owned by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). It covers a total of 600 acres, compared to London Zoo, which only covers 36 acres.
The London Zoo is one of the oldest and most famous zoos in the world.
Located in the northern part of Regent’s Park, the ZSL London Zoo is visited by more than one million people a year from all over the world.
If you’re traveling to London, knowing how to get to the London Zoo is critical to the experience: you will be able to interact with more than 750 species and more than 20,000 animals, from charismatic lions to endangered species such as lemurs, okapis, and rhinos.
There are several ways to get to the London Zoo: however, not all solutions offer the same standards of reliability, comfort and safety.
Let’s look together at how to get to the London Zoo by train, subway and Chauffeur driven car service.
Where the London Zoo is located
The London Zoo is one of the most popular attractions in the English capital. The Zoo is located in central London, specifically at the northern end of Regent’s Park. Its central location makes it easily visited by tourists and accessible by different means of transportation.
Connections to and from the London Zoo
The London Zoo can be reached by scheduled public transportation, for example:
Alternatively, there are also non-scheduled public transportation such as:
Let’s see together how to reach the London Zoo by each means of transportation.
How to get to London Zoo by train
To get to the London Zoo by train, you will need to go to Euston Station, the closest station to the park.
If you are coming from Liverpool, there are several trains that take you from Lime Street to London Zoo, with a stop right at London Euston. The trip takes about two and a half hours.
If you leave from Bristol, trains from Temple Meads station to London Zoo will stop at London Paddington, one of the closest stations to London Zoo. The trip takes about an hour and a half.
If you leave from Manchester, you will need about three hours to reach Euston station. Trains depart from Manchester Piccadilly.
Finally, if you leave from Edinburgh, you can go to Waverley station, where a train will take you to Kings Cross station. This will take about 4 hours.
How to reach London Zoo by bus
An alternative solution to the train is the bus. Bus routes 274 and C2 take you directly to the London Zoo.
Bus number 274 runs from Marble Arch and Baker Street to Ormonde Terrace, while C2 runs from Victoria Station, Oxford Circus, or Great Portland Street.
Then there is line 27, which runs from Chalk Farm to Turnham Green, with a stop right near the London Zoo.
How to get to London Zoo by subway
If you want to get to the London Zoo by subway, the most convenient stations closest to the park are Camden Town, Regent’s Park, and Baker Street. Specifically, Camden Town, on the Northern Line, is the closest tube station to the ZSL London Zoo . From here, you can take a bus or walk to the zoo, taking about 20 minutes. Regent’s Park station takes about 25 minutes to walk to the zoo.
From Baker Street, however, the distance is longer and may require another means of getting to your destination.
How to reach London Zoo by taxi
To get to the London Zoo by taxi, you can take a car from your starting point or go to dedicated cab stands on the street; for example, there is one on Euston road.
The taxi will be able to take you directly to your destination, with a fare based on mileage and time taken.
How to get to London Zoo with a Chauffeur Driven Car
If you want to avoid the chaotic and unpredictable situations that characterize public transportation, the solution is to book a travel experience that includes a chauffeur-driven car rental service.
Chauffeur service allows you to rent a car and have a private driver at your disposal, who will manage every move for you.
This exclusive service will allow you to get to the Zoo conveniently, without having to deal with the stress of waiting for public transportation and chaos on board, and with no limits in departure times or location.
Why choose to rent a chauffeur driven car to reach London Zoo?
Choosing a Chauffeur Driven Car service like LimoLane is the most convenient and reliable way to get to London Zoo and enjoy an extraordinary travel experience.
Renting a Chauffeur Driven Car has many benefits
To rent your chauffeur driven car and reach London Zoo with LimoLane, start here.
Updated on Feb 24, 2024 06:42
Welcome to ‘s ultimate showdown: "What is the most popular "! As a global hub for thrilling polls and exciting rankings, we’re on a mission to discover the world’s favorite zoological oasis. With thousands of zoos showcasing the beauty and diversity of our planet’s wildlife, it’s time for you to weigh in on the best of the best! From the breathtaking exhibits of San Diego Zoo to the enchanting charm of London Zoo, cast your and have your say in this wild race. Don’t see your beloved zoo on the list? Don’t fret! Simply suggest a missing option and join the conversation. Get ready to embark on a virtual safari and explore the wonders of the animal kingdom as we unveil the reigning champion in our quest to find the most popular zoo. Adventure awaits, so dive in and let your voice be heard!